truth? no, i thought thigh would. i thought they wanted me to finish the story. i really thought i had a rapport with them. you no e. i really did. doesn t that seem kind of dumb? well, yeah, it does. to believe the police would tell you the truth about something like that? he s been playing games with us for 30 years, you think we re going to shoot straight with you? i don t think so. reporter: so naturally the police lied and told the killers they couldn t trace a disc to him and waited to see if he would fall for it, with i he did. rader s last communication is a commuter disc filled with more taunts and puzzles. he sent it to a local television station. the police were able trace it to a dennis at the computer at rader s church. by googleing the church name and dennis, police quickly zeroed in on dennis rader. what nailed him, ultimately, was the last floppy disc he sent? what nailed him is huberis,
he went too far. reporter: police also used a under surveillance tape from that home depot to figure out the person who dropped off the btk letter was driving a car registered to dennis rader s son. but to make certain they had their man, they needed a dna match. so authorities got a warrant for a tissue sample from rader s daughter on time at a kansas medical clinic. tests showed it was a close match to the evidence drawn from the crime scenes. it was now early in the week of february 21st, 2005, and former police chief remembers quite well when he got the news he had waited more than 30 years to hear. it simply said, we got him. he said, it s just a matters of time. we got him. locked up, choked up. that sunday was the lowest day of my life is there tears from a killer, not for his victims. when confessions of btk continues.
back and next to the doll was a copy of the driver s license of one of btk s victims, nancy fox. a hands-made word puzzle, which investigators now see contains a group of letters spelling d rader and the numbers of his address. it all put wichita s serial strangleer front and center again, just how he liked it. was that exciting to you? was it sexually exciting to you? not sexual, but the media attention, i listened to the news, i d get pretty excited reading the paper. did you ever think you were going to get caught? no, no no, this guy was not going to get caught. absolutely not. no. i didn t want to get caught. i wanted to put everything on floppys to a cd, to a safe deposit or a hiding home and i could always bring it back out. many have speculated that rader s repeated messages were, indeed, a cry to be captured. but james fox says, it s just
milwaukee. who dissected dead animals as a child then later murdered and dismembered 17 young men and boys. but why would anyone ever suspect a man like dennis rader, consider his substantial involvement with his local lutheran church. paul carlstadt has known rader for 30 years and he was an exemplary member for years. he will run the sound system, be an usher, count the money after the service, if something was to be done, dennis was able to help. reporter: as hard as this may be able to believe, the serial killer considers himself a relidge jusz person. do you pray? yes, i do. i read the bible daily. it helps not only just for spiritual, a lot of it is good meanings and good concepts, things that you can use if life. even serial killers can believe in god.
radio the fbi was up to something in his town. and i thought, well, you know, maybe something is coming down, shall i run? but where would i have ran if they were after me. i just took a calculated guess that that was something else. reporter: then at mid-day, the killer went home for lunch. i drove home and just as soon as i got, started to turn down the road, i saw this whole line of police cars, i thought, oh, that s not good. it s just, they were right on me that quick. i thought maybe it was a traffic stop. as soon as one was behind me with red lights and sirens, i knew that was it. with that, dennis lind rader, the man believed to be btk was finally in custody after 31 years. i got to tell you, they told me to lay down. i sprawled out. they grabbed me with the handcuffs and stuck me in the car. mr. rader, do you know why you are going downtown?