back and next to the doll was a copy of the driver's license of one of btk's victims, nancy fox. a hands-made word puzzle, which investigators now see contains a group of letters spelling d rader and the numbers of his address. it all put wichita's serial strangleer front and center again, just how he liked it. >> was that exciting to you? was it sexually exciting to you? >> not sexual, but the media attention, i listened to the news, i'd get pretty excited reading the paper. >> did you ever think you were going to get caught? >> no, no no, this guy was not going to get caught. absolutely not. no. i didn't want to get caught. i wanted to put everything on floppys to a cd, to a safe deposit or a hiding home and i could always bring it back out. >> many have speculated that rader's repeated messages were, indeed, a cry to be captured. but james fox says, it's just