The most recent numerical models plume suggest a transformation to El Nino, beginning June-August 2023. While the lower accuracy of models at this time keeps the forecasters haunted, anticipatory warming of the Pacific Ocean favours, with conviction, the transition to El Nino.
ENSO is a naturally occurring phenomenon. However, human-induced climate change is expected to impact the behaviour and dynamics of El Nino events. Under the warmer envelope of the ocean and lower atmosphere, these events may become 'extreme' in future.
Climate models are extending enough caution of a potential El Nino developing during 2nd half of the year. Models also read its peak during the later half of the Indian Summer Monsoon, more precisely during the quarter July-August-September. Though, the 'spring barrier' triggered low ac
Southwest Monsoon is getting closer to its timeline. The shadow of El Nino does not seem to be diluting. Rather, the probability is becoming bigger and stronger, more so, mid-way through the season. Core monsoon months continue to be at risk of impairment.