70% of divorces are over money. that s what s at stake. bethany you say that people are fundamentally mismatched inborn. you born with this certain posture toward spending. everybody has a money personality. actually don t have one money personality. there is two. a primary and a secondary. we are attracted to our opposite. so most of us are married tor m. so it s really important to understand the differences. money personal profile bo money couple.com. i did that. i took it it s a fun quiz to take. it s telling telling because it helps you see what you re relationship with money is. we found out i am a safer. you are a primary safer. i think you are a secondary flier. what does that mean. really interesting combination. you have the opposite dynamic but your first reaction to money, money decision all
blossomed. and first there was bountygate, now there s spygate. the general manager of the new orleans saints is being accused of bugging the superdome to listen in on visiting coaches. there s talk of criminal charges, but mickey loomis is saying the report is 1,0000 plu false. a police dog sent in to end a high speed chase. apparently he worked it out. that s some nice maneuvers. up first this morning a dramatic turnaround in the trayvon martin case. the sanford, florida city commission voted to reject the police commissioner s resignation. last month he was blasted for not arresting trayvon martin immediately after the shooting, but now they question the fairness of removing him. chief lee is paying for the sins of past police officers. the police chiefs. he s been here he has been in office ten months. how do you steer a boat that big, mr. mayor? how do you steer a boat in ten months to a complete turnaround? you don t. heated discussion, in the meantime the
who s working on has already obviously that s a money decision by the airlines. right, exactly. meme, i want to give you just the final thought. look, we can t expect ourselves to have to cover the rest of those who refuse to eat a healthful selection of foods. he doesn t eat healthfully. if you need to buy two seats, if you need to use two seats you need to buy two seats. that wasn t an accommodation the airline could make in this instance. southwest always tries to do the right thing, as do all the airlines. i think it was a good move on their part to apologize. kevin smith wasn t having it and he does have that movie coming out. that s a big part of it. i appreciate your perspectives, thank you very much. up next, new never before seen video of president john f. kennedy in dallas on the morning of his assassination. giant wave washes over spectators at a surf contest in california. story behind the pictures in a moment.
to subsidize those decisions. peggy, go ahead. well, he said and was very clear about the fact that he could fit very easily into one seat and not violate any rules. he is not the pilot. his reason for buying a second seat was because he doesn t like a stranger being up next to him. in this particular case, he wanted to get home earlier, so he was willing to cooperate with that and take only the one seat. peggy, do you support the notion of larger seats set aside by an airline that people would pay more for? i absolutely do. and in fact there is a designer of airline interiors and airline seats right now, an engineer who is working on, has already obviously that s a money decision by the airline. right, exactly. mimi, i want to give you just the final thought. look, we can t ourselves to have to cover the costs of those who refuse to eat a healthful selection of foods. and that s what this is about. the guy doesn t eat healthfully. he admits to it.
rule is therefore unimportant or has no value. as dr. jeffers knows very well, as soon as you say okay, your clergy can get married, it doesn t mean all of a sudden you have no problems. isn t that a money decision because the church wanted to hang on to their money? i think there is partly economic the fact that my parish only has to pay me $25,000 a year about, it is easier for the parish in the bronx. but, there s also an imitation of jesus himself. jesus himself who chose not to get married. but we re not gentlemen success. listen, all have sinned and fallen short. start with me, i m guiltier than anybody. what did st. paul say? he said it is better to get married than to burn. he also said go ahead. sean, and of course in timothy 1:3 the bible says the pastor is to be the husband of