SWANZEY Superintendent Lisa A. Witte is pleased to share that the Monadnock Regional School Board has been named the School Board of the Year by the New Hampshire School Board Association (NHSBA).
New Hampshire Town Backs Broadband Expansion Efforts
Voters in Troy overwhelmingly voted in support of a high-speed broadband expansion that would offer residents Internet service for as little as $9.50 a month. Officials say the price would fall as more residents opt in. by Caleb Symons, The Keene Sentinel / March 12, 2021 Shutterstock
(TNS) Residents passed the full warrant at town meeting Wednesday night, including an article funding a broadband expansion project intended to provide high-speed Internet throughout town.
Voters at the Troy Elementary School gymnasium easily approved the broadband measure, 92 5.
The project will be funded by $222,311 in municipal bonds, to be repaid fully by the broadband provider Consolidated Communications via user fees. Consolidated will also contribute $1.4 million to the installation effort, according to Doug Batchelder, a member of the town s broadband committee.