New Hampshire Town Backs Broadband Expansion Efforts
Voters in Troy overwhelmingly voted in support of a high-speed broadband expansion that would offer residents Internet service for as little as $9.50 a month. Officials say the price would fall as more residents opt in.
by Caleb Symons, The Keene Sentinel
March 12, 2021
(TNS) — Residents passed the full warrant at town meeting Wednesday night, including an article funding a broadband expansion project intended to provide high-speed Internet throughout town.
Voters at the Troy Elementary School gymnasium easily approved the broadband measure, 92 — 5.
The project will be funded by $222,311 in municipal bonds, to be repaid fully by the broadband provider Consolidated Communications via user fees. Consolidated will also contribute $1.4 million to the installation effort, according to Doug Batchelder, a member of the town's broadband committee.