Six burglaries in one night. Ce the lookout for these crooks. Calirniaewow h laws for the new year will affect you and your kids. In san jose, disaster dating trends are the talk of the town as a local tweet goes viral. Abc7 news starts right now. Announcer now, news to build a better bay area. From abc7. New at 11 00, police in the east bay are on the lookout for a brazen crew of house burglars. The rash of ripoffs happened saturday night. Two neighborhoods were targeted. Homes along centennial way and asterville drive. Cornell barnard is live tonight in san ramon with the details. Reporter yeah, ama and dan, neighbors here on high alert. Police say the suspects made off with goods worth thousands of dollars all in one night. Take a look. They were caught on camera. Meet the holiday guests nobody invited. These three burglars caught on Security Camera saturday inside a san ramon home while residents were away. This wasnt their only stop. Police say the crooks hit six houses in one nig
Going faster than a roller coaster a love like yours will surely come my way hey, hey, hey babies arent fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. If your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. A healthy baby is worth the wait. Six burglaries in one night. Police in one east bay city on the lookout for these crooks. How californias new laws for the new year will affect you and your kids. In san jose, disaster dating trends are the talk of the town as a local tweet goes viral. Abc7 news starts right now. Announcer now, news to build a better bay area. From abc7. New at 11 00, police in the east bay are on the lookout for a brazen crew of house burglars. The rash of ripoffs happened saturday night. Two neighborhoods were targeted. Homes along centennial way and asterville drive. Cornell barnard is live tonight in san ramon with the details. Reporter yeah, ama and dan, neigh
Show, and these crew members of working to bring San Francisco the best one yet. Its going to be a bunch of big shells and theyre going to look like theyre right on top of you. Reporter this years show is extra special to pat diaz. Tomorrow he will lead San Franciscos new years show. San francisco has seen jeff thomas displays on the fourth of july and on new years eve many year for many years. Jeffrey tired this year and the torch has been passed to me and my colleague, matt. Congratulations. Well, thank you. Reporter and he hopes to continue this legacy with a bang and a trigger in hand. Yes, you heard right, a trigger. You have to hold this button down. Its called the dead man. And this button allows the system to shoot fireworks. If something goes wrong, then all that has to be done to stop the fireworks is to let go of that button. Reporter while this crew loads up the shells for the fireworks, San Francisco Police Officers are also prepping for the big show. No discretionary time
Commission thanks sfgov for television todays meeting. An opportunity to comment on each item. The commission will take Public Comment inperson first and then people remotely. First and then people remotely. First and then people remotely. Members of the public who are calling in, the number is 415 6550001, press to be added to the line when your item of interest comes up. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes, and speakers are requested but not required to state your name. Voice your opinions. The Small Business commission in San Francisco is the best place to give comments during local emergencies. Your opinions. The Small Business commission in San Francisco is the best place to give comments during local emergencies. Thank you for corresponding and please continue to reach out to the office of Small Business. Please call item 1. Item one roll call. Commissioner benitez, commissioner cornet present. Commissioner herbert present. Councilmember curtis commissioner herbert here. Vice
An opportunity to comment on each item. The commission will take Public Comment inperson first and then people remotely. First and then people remotely. First and then people remotely. Members of the public who are calling in, the number is 415 6550001, press to be added to the line when your item of interest comes up. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes, and speakers are requested but not required to state your name. Voice your opinions. The Small Business commission in San Francisco is the best place to give comments during local emergencies. Your opinions. The Small Business commission in San Francisco is the best place to give comments during local emergencies. Thank you for corresponding and please continue to reach out to the office of Small Business. Please call item 1. Item one roll call. Commissioner benitez, commissioner cornet present. Commissioner herbert present. Councilmember curtis commissioner herbert here. Vice mayor montanaro and president on the unceded ancestral