BLUE HILL — There are few things more enthralling than attending a good play, well-performed and produced — especially so if the play is unfamiliar and takes some unexpected twists
BLUE HILL — There are few things more enthralling than attending a good play, well performed and well produced – especially so if the play is unfamiliar and takes some
THE former chief medical offficer who saw Ireland through the worst of the pandemic will launch a newly published book of poems by pupils in Scoil na Maighdine Mhuire, Newmarket-on-Fergus this Tuesday.
Animal rights activists representing the group Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, dyed a fountain on Sproul Plaza red Monday and called on UC Berkeley to commit to stop purchasing from meat suppliers that allegedly raise animals on factory farms.
During the protest, campus freshman Zoe Rosenberg and alumna Cassie King, both organizers for DxE, stood inside the fountain, which had been dyed red to “resemble blood,” according to Rosenberg. The duo held placards saying “UC Berkeley Drop Factory Farms,” and the protest lasted from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and was livestreamed on DxE’s Facebook account.
“We’re asking that Cal Dining immediately drop these suppliers Hormel, Harris Ranch and Tyson Foods and to commit to phasing out all factory farms by the fall semester of 2021,” Rosenberg said. “We would eventually like to see them phase out animal products altogether because we believe that there’s really no humane way to raise and kill animals, and it’s just a really