The Varanasi unit of UP Police’s Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) nabbed wanted member of an inter-state gang involved in smuggling fake currency notes from Pakistan. The accused identified as Subhash Mandal, 26, of Malda district of West Bengal, was arrested from Mohan Sarai area under Rohania police station of Varanasi on Friday.
Varanasi: Sonbhadra police arrested a retired additional regional transport officer Pravin Kumar Rai and his driver Triloki Nath Pandey on Monday in t.
BJP flags fluttering atop rooftops, wide roads, a world class railway station, a renovated Kashi Vishwanath Temple and comparatively cleaner Ganga ghats may leave an impression that for BJP there is no challenge in Varanasi, the Lok Sabha constituency of prime minister Narendra Modi, a saffron stronghold since 2014.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will again visit Varanasi, his parliamentary constituency, on December 23, just 10 days after he inaugurated the Kashi Vishwanath Dham project.The Prime Minister will dedicate 13 ready projects of Rs 853 crore and .