water right now because of massive flooding there. the death toll from the floods of pakistan is considered relatively low. 1,500 people have died, but as many as 20 million people are homeless tonight. meanwhile, thousands of pakistani-americans who live right here in the bay area, are worried about what s happening in their homeland. nbc bay area s monty francis is in san francisco with the story for us. monty? reporter: diane, it s estimated, there are 28,000 pakistani-americans who live here in the bay area. many of them have family in pakistan, who are dealing with this crisis firsthand. reporter: after surveying the flood damage in pakistan and witnessing the devastation up close, u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon says he s never seen anything like it. to owe the world economy to speed up their assistance to pakistani people. reporter: on top of the 1,500 deaths in the estimates 20 million people who ve become homeless since the floods began two weeks ago, now