Director anne hinton is present. Thank you, could we have approval of the august 5, 2015 agenda . So moved. Second. Been moved and second that we approve the agenda for august 5, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Ayes have it, so the motion is carried. Could we have approval of the august 5 Consent Agenda. Could i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. Moved and seconded that we approve the Consent Agenda for august 5, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. I need a motion to approve the june 24, 2015 meeting minutes, any corrections . Motion to approve. Second. Its been moved and second that we approve the minutes of june 24, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. Item 5, general Public Comment. We have three in the general Public Comment any general Public Comment at this time . Hearing none, we will move the agenda. We have the employee of the month, and recognize lisa leui.
Opportunity. As you know, i am on the all aaa directors in the state of california are on the California Association of aging board as directors. That makes us members. So i was voted through an election process to represent california as one of two Board Members on the national board. So every region, there is 12 regions, has four. So we have one from hawaii, and one from arizona, and two from california, being the bigger state. For a number of years i was the alternate, and recently became the board took the board seat. So what had happened the staff for nfra was asked for the names of people of potential invitees, and gave the president and two of the Vice President s names, and i am one of the Vice President s, and that is how, they took all three of them, thank you very much. It was somewhat difficult because the conference was right in the middle of the National Association conference which is held in philadelphia. So but, thats when the president was available. So thats what we
Morning. Our road map begins with a new Gopcontrolled Senate for the first time in eight years. Implications for the rest of the president s term and the markets. Media earnings also out. Time warner lifts its outlook. We have a beat from Rupert Murdochs 21st century fox. Both stocks rising after a drubbing yesterday. And better than expected adp numbers. Well get that ahead of the big jobs number coming up on friday. But last nights midterm elections resulting in a power shift on capitol hill. Republicans retaking the senate for the first time in eight years, capturing at least seven seats and defeating democratic incumbents in states including north carolina, colorado, arkansas. The gop also strengthening its grip on the house, winning governorships in blue states like maryland and illinois. It is a stinging defeat for the president and his party, who by the way, is scheduled to hold a News Conference this afternoon and is planning to meet with congressional leaders in both parties o
Senator. There is too much stuff going into too Many Disparate groups and it actually has made the job of the armed opposition more tough. We have to be tough with for some of our regional allies. On the ground senator, as isil has pushed out of places it will be really important to try to get help into the civil administrations. The Syrian Government wont go into those places and again these are in a sense the political side of the opposition linked to the moderate armed opposition. So the state department has worked with the dedication and resources and program money as i was pushed out of place. So there is clean water several hours a day. Maybe the schools can reopen in some places and that kind of thing. Just one more question and my time is short. We have got a lot of stock in edwards and many of us got to know him and yet we didnt support him. Trucks that were supposed to be delivered were delivered months late. I mean it was almost like, i dont even want to use the word because
They have been truly humbled by the outpouring of the encouragement and support for the decision to quit tobacco. As we go forward with the private sector to continue to take a leadership role. Es. Chair will recognize himself and Ranking Member for purposes of making Opening Statement. Without objection the Opening Statement of any other member of the committee who wishes to provide one will be included in the record. A little over two years ago, four americans serving our country in benghazi, libya, were killed. Two of them were killed when a facility emblematic of our country was set on fire. And two of them were killed when they dared to fight back and defend themselves. And others. Sean smith, chris stevens, ty woods and glen doherty represented us. They represented our country, and our values. We ask them to go. We sent them, and they were killed because some people hold a deepseated animus toward us simply because we are us. So to the family and the friends, and the loved ones o