The Gurugram police has filed a chargesheet in the court against seven people arrested for the murder of ex-model Divya Pahuja. The chargesheet has been filed against the main accused Abhijeet Singh, Ravi Banga, Hemraj, Om Prakash, Megha, Pravesh and Balraj Gill. In its chargesheet, the
27-Year-Old Former Model Divya Pahuja s Body Found In Haryana Canal - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
Murdered model Divya Pahuja, had a troubled past, as she was involved in the underworld since she was 18 years old. She met Gadoli, a notorious criminal with over 30 cases of murder, extortion and robbery against him in 2014.