certainly will have a role in the fall will have to define her position. there is position here. what do american people think about? poll after poll think about safety and security, fear quite legitimately of terror. revitalizing economy that is weak. monica, to the extent republicans are off on this stuff i can only tell you they re doing democrats bidding. martha: leave it there. monica, doug, always a pleasure. good to see you both. bill: 19 past now. new developments in the so-called affluenza drunk driving case. the teenage drunk driver convicted of killing four people disappeared along with his mother. so what s going on there? martha: a filmmaker create as mock petition to repeal the first amendment. freedom of speech around takes it to an ivy league campus. wait until you see this. so we re calling for is to repeal the first amendment. i think this is fantastic.
let s hope immigration policy won t be left in the hands of students in d.c. this is a petition for president obama to deport one american citizen in exchange for one undocumented immigrant. let s go for it? it makes sense. okay, great. i think that s definitely a good idea. okay, great. i think our immigration rules are crazy and i think it s important. they are crazy. so let s make them a lot crazier. how does that sound? caleb bonham from campus reform.org joins us. this is unbelievable. did you guys do this. the leadership student campus reform took this mock petition over to show people what the next generation of leaders thinks on immigration policy and they are willing to sign a petition to deport one american in exchange for one illegal immigrant. sort of a one-to-one swap. what if you constructed a
sent out a fake reporter to see if college students would sign a mock petition to spy on fox news. you want to see this? watch this. as much as i dislike fox news, i agree with their freedom of speech to say what they like. of speech to say what they like. that crazy sean hannity. you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered. you suggested luxury car service instd of strength training with patrick willis. come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm. [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be. visa signature. with centurylink visionary cloud it sinfrastructure,art. and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable, secure, and agile.
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