Transmission. Ordinarily, the brown act sets strict rules for teleconferencing. The executive order has suspended those rules. As noted on the agenda, members of the public may observe this meeting by sfgovtv and they may offer Public Comment by calling the published Public Comment phone number. Id like to welcome members of the public and staff who are watching us live on sfgovtv. Mr. Secretary, please call the roll. [laughter]. Thank you, madame chair. Prior to calling roll, i would like to note that julie chang is sitting in as director. With that i will now proceed to call roll. Directors, please respond when i call your name. Chang present. E. Forbes present. M. Hursh present. B. Lipkin present. J. Tumlin present. Vice chair gee present. Chair sesay present. Secretary directors, we have a quorum. Chair sesay and secretary, if i may just a point of clarification, this is a regular meeting, not a special meeting, just a point of clarification for the record. Chair sesay thank you, i
Next speaker, please. Welcome. Question hi. So a number of individuals have discussed the system and i would like to remark on it. By the way, i believe i live in district 2. First of all, i would like to remark that before this week, i never even realized that people could go to could attend board of supervisors meetings and i feel this is something that should be more widely advertised to residents of the city because certainly, i think i was in more active in local politics and i know there was a venue beyond simply emailing my supervisor or calling if i knew that i could actually attend meetings and make comments. I would have felt more emparamedic aempoweredas a citi. Also, the schedule on the website had a more of a time frame because, for example, there was a time that was noted when comments could be made where i could have tuned out and did Something Else and called back in or when the relevant discussions were. Also, for people who have addressed the issue of defunding the po
When prompted, enter one and zero to be entered into the queue. When you are called for Public Comment, please mute the device that you are listening to the meeting on, and when it is your time to speak, you will be prompt today do so. The number and the log in will also be scrolling across the screen. Public comment during the meeting is limited to three minutes per speaker unless otherwise established. Speakers are requested, but not required, to state their name. Sfgtv, please show the office of Small Business slide. Today, we will start with a reminder that the Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policy that affect the Economic Vitality of San Francisco. The office of Small Business is your best place to get information about doing business in San Francisco during the local emergency. If you need assistance during this time, you can find us online or via telephone, as always, our services are free of charge. Before we get
8882733658, and the access code is 3107452. When prompted, enter one and zero to be entered into the queue. When you are called for Public Comment, please mute the device that you are listening to the meeting on, and when it is your time to speak, you will be prompt today do so. The number and the log in will also be scrolling across the screen. Public comment during the meeting is limited to three minutes per speaker unless otherwise established. Speakers are requested, but not required, to state their name. Sfgtv, please show the office of Small Business slide. Today, we will start with a reminder that the Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policy that affect the Economic Vitality of San Francisco. The office of Small Business is your best place to get information about doing business in San Francisco during the local emergency. If you need assistance during this time, you can find us online or via telephone, as always, ou
Four, three, two ready to go. Okay. I see the red box. Good morning and welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority Commission Meeting for today, june 23rd, 2020. Our clerk is ms. Angela, could you call the roll . Fewer present. Haney present. Mandelman present. Mar present. Peskin present. Preston present. Ronen present. Safai . Safai absent. Stefani present. Walton present. Yee present. Should i do one more call for commissioner safai . Supervisor peskin i dont see him being logged in, so i think we have a quorum. Correct. Supervisor peskin any announcements . Clerk yes. Public comment is will be available for each item on this agenda via telephone, by calling 888 2045987, access code as seen on the screen. Then follow the systems prompts. Once you join, you will be able to listen to the meeting as a participant. When you wish to speak on an item, dial 10 to be added to the queue to speak. Each caller will be allowed two minutes to speak. When the two minutes are up,