• FY2016-17 had 2% increase.
• FY2017-18 only had a pay increase to comply with recommendations of classification and compensation study that was varied by employee ranging from 0% to slightly more than 15%.
• FY2018-19 only had commissioned police officers receiving a 5.95% increase.
• FY2019-20 had 2% increase, as well as a $4,000 increase for its Emergency 911 dispatchers.
• FY2020-21 only awarded a one-time $1,000 payment for all employees that was not factored into ongoing base pay.
In lieu of the COVID pandemic, the City of Moberly curtailed plans of making some major equipment needs,, upgrades and other capital improvements listed on its tentative 5-year plan among all of its departments a year ago. As a result, many of those items were carried over while there are a handful of new subjects shown on the new 2021-22 fiscal year operating budget thanks in part to a strong revenue stream of monies coming from sales and use taxes.
Moberly Monitor-Index
Hiring a firm to develop a marketing strategy for some historical downtown property and amending trash pick up services were among the highlights of Monday s business meeting by the Moberly City Council.
The city will pay a firm named McClure $31,800 to develop and help execute a marketing plan for revitalizing the former Fennel Building Complex in an effort to enhance the local economy and business growth. Grant monies received through the Mark Twain Regional Council of Government will pay for such service in full said City Manager Brian Crane.
The complex site is located at the corner of Clark and Coates streets, immediately west of both the police and main fire station.
City looks to update its historic preservation plan
Moberly Monitor-Index
Moberly City Council briefly held an open business meeting Wednesday, May 26 prior to its scheduled close session gathering at 6 p.m. for the purpose of authorizing the city to apply for a Missouri Historic Preservation Fund Grant to help support a new historic preservation plan for Moberly.
City Manager Brian Crane said the special public meeting at City Hall was quickly arranged upon him learning that a state deadline to receive such applications would occur prior to the council s June 8 business meeting. Such plans have an estimated cost of $30,000 said Crane and providing that Moberly s application meets deadline, he is expects it would gain approval for grant monies to reimburse the city for nearly two-thirds of the historical plan s total cost.