we should be prepared to be back here doing this same thing when that happens. because especially considering some of the things that mccarthy clearly gave away. i mean in the past they ve been able to do it with democratic help, and mccarthy in theory could do that. but it seems like they ve tried to hold his feet to fire here and say, no, what kevin mccarthy can decide to do is not put it on the floor. without getting into the specifics of all the ugly fights that are going to come, i think the point that you just made and others have made is that this is at large a vision of what we re going to see, possibly, going forward for the next two years in a very chaotic congress. and it has huge consequences. huge consequences for nation, but as we just settle on this moment, we are watching the history being made, because i believe on this 15th ballot kevin mccarthy will finally secure enough votes, whether it s through people voting present or switching votes to him to ac
mr. vargas, mr. sedanye, mrs. torrez, mr. valuedago, miss barrigan, mr. cashahol, mr. panetta, mr. goldman, mr. harder, mr. eleven, miss porter, mr. mike garcia, mrs. kim, mrs. steele, mr. doer, mr. robert garcia, mr. keely, mr. mullin. the mitt tee will retire from the chamber to escort the speaker elect to the chair.
review board to be chaired by a former chairman of the joint chiefs ben a40-year career diplomat who was first it.ed by president nixon. and that accountability review board for benghazi came back with frankly harsh criticism for the obama administration and the state department specifically in terms of what went wrong and why in benghazi. they made 29 recommendations for how to improve. and then secretary of state hillary clinton said she was humbled by that report and she accepted all of their recommendations. and today, the republicans on this ninth congressional mitt tee to investigate benghazi today, in the 17th month of just this ninth investigation, the republicans on this committee derided that accountability review board as a terrible and useless thing, specifically because hillary clinton appointed its members. and she appointed its members because she is required to do so by law, by the law signed by ronald reagan to try to ensure a rigorous and real response when
and today, the republicans on this ninth congressional mitt tee to investigate benghazi today, in the 17th month of just this ninth investigation, the republicans on this committee derided that accountability review board as a terrible and useless thing, specifically because hillary clinton appointed its members. and she appointed its members because she is required to do so by law, by the law signed by ronald reagan to try to ensure a rigorous and real response when things go wrong abroad and americans lose their lives. and that process comes from a time when the worst terrorist attacks imaginable were investigated and addressed in a way that had absolutely no room for partisanship. you wouldn t even know whether the investigators were in one party or another unless you asked. partisanship played no role. none. that was a different time. we have never before in this country treated a national security event like this, like