A growing number of studies are showing beneficial clinical effects from noninvasive stimulation of gamma rhythms in the brain, but clinical evidence remains preliminary and animal studies have been instructive, but not definitive.
New MIT research shows that human microglia with the R47H/+ mutation in the TREM2 protein exhibit several deficits related to Alzheimer’s pathology. Mutant microglia are prone to inflammation, yet are worse at responding to neuron injury and less able to clear harmful debris, including amyloid beta.
Studying the effects of neurodegenerative diseases across the brain, MIT Professor Li-Huei Tsai pioneers a noninvasive therapy that shows high promise in early clinical studies.
An MIT team has produced an atlas of how most cells, and the circuits they take part in, encode a worm's actions. The atlas reveals the underlying “logic” of how an animal brain produces a sophisticated and flexible repertoire of behaviors, even as its environmental circumstances change.