Kirbyville Volunteer Fire Department responded to a second fire in less than 12 hours. Firemen were dispatched to another burning structure north of town just before 11:00 on Saturday morning.
Gardening is giving Council Elementary School students a growing sense of accomplishment. Author: Doug Petcash Updated: 6:42 AM MDT May 6, 2021
COUNCIL, Idaho A project to help students become more self-reliant has taken root at Council Elementary School. Teacher Misti Cook calls it the Roots of Self-reliance Project. Our students grew from roots of self-reliance as they came from homesteaders. That was really in their roots, and the kids had gotten away from that, Cook said. They d gotten away from healthy eating and from eating from the land.
She started the project in February. Now, the K-6 students are the ones sowing the seeds - a lot of seeds - in the school s greenhouse.