The right side of history. With that, i proudly move that we move this item forward to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation and again, thank my cosponsors supervisor kim, farrel, avalos and yee. Thank you, supervisor campos. Im happy to support a move this information with recommendation of the fulford and thank you and your office on this important legislation. Its more about bathrooms, but its about dignity and respect. And i have long thought we should have an ordinance like this in place, and i was educated about this issue when i served on the board of education and started sharing from students harassed based on the gender they identified with in school, and the single sex bathrooms we have, and that was when i first started to understand how important it was for us to have gender neutral bathrooms in all of our facilities. And i know that weve started that work at the school district, thanks to our humans rights advocate. It clearly extends far behind gen
Okay. Thank you madam clerk so we have five items today and one is a hearing that most of the members of the public are here and well take them out of order and that will be the longest and the others are not long and madam clerk if you call item 1 first. Item 1 is a resolution authorizing the San Francisco department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately 2. 8 million in active Transportation Program funds through the metropolitan Transportation Commission safe routes to School Grants program for a period of for the period september 1, 2017 through august 31, 2019. Okay. Thank you madam clerk so i know dph is here to answer questions unless there is anything to say . No. I am here to answer questions. Colleagues seeing no questions i appreciate it. We dont have the budget Analyst Report for item 1 so we will move on to Public Comment. Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Supervisor could i have a motion to move this forward without recommendation
The members of the public are here and well take them out of order and that will be the longest and the others are not long and madam clerk if you call item 1 first. Item 1 is a resolution authorizing the San Francisco department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately 2. 8 million in active Transportation Program funds through the metropolitan Transportation Commission safe routes to School Grants program for a period of for the period september 1, 2017 through august 31, 2019. Okay. Thank you madam clerk so i know dph is here to answer questions unless there is anything to say . No. I am here to answer questions. Colleagues seeing no questions i appreciate it. We dont have the budget Analyst Report for item 1 so we will move on to Public Comment. Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Supervisor could i have a motion to move this forward without recommendation. Moved. So we have a motion by supervisor yee and take it without objection. Madam clerk
So, some of our problems solving partners this is a park with the snakes there on the 24th street, between york and bryant, which is a great kids park and we work every day with the department of Public Health and the homeless out reach team and we have two officers, currently and we are going to bump that up to four to deal with the number of encampments that we have and the district and we know that enforcement and an important component of trying to address the issue, but we want to work and we do work with dph to try to get the people to service and try to get them to some kind of a program to deal with whatever substance issues that they might have and try to get them to some kind of housing so that we can try to help them bribing the cycle for themselves and the Mayors Office of street violence and the intervention program, we attend weekly meetings, and i speak with deana alecaroache. Everybody mispronounces my name and so i give myself slack. Careo is one of the sbip folks from
Good morning, today is march 12, 2015. Welcome to the rules committee of the San Francisco board of supervisors. My name is john avalos, chair of the committee. Joined to my right by vice chair katy tang and will be joined shortly by supervisor malia cohen. Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Speaker cards and all documents to be included in the file should be given to the clerk. Okay very good. Thank you. We have several appointments up for us today and lets go on to our first one. Item no. 1. Item no. 1 is a hearing to consider appointing two members terms ending november 16, 20016, to the Bicycle Advisory Committee. There are two seats and two applicants. Very good, we can go straight ahead to presentations. I know the district 11 seat applicant, casey allen, will not be here, but i believe mr. Mark brand is here. Please come forward. Good morning, supervisors. By the way, i have worked with casey allen and i think hes really Great Committee member. I