State law, and i assume that we have looked at what the limits are that the law imposes on us. Would you elaborate a little bit how what were doing has been shaped to fit within the state law or on the other hand where is there jeopardy for us . So the notification and Education Program survey and early notification portions are the sort of the new pieces that arent required by state law. We are using those outreach efforts, those outreach components to inform who we talk to in the actual statutory opt out phase. We are not suggesting that anyone who is going to be served by cleanpower sf would not receive an opt out notification. Anyone who wishes to participate can participate which sounds like opting in, but we wont enroll them after we have included them in an opt out process. So i think we have worked with the City Attorney on this to make sure we are accurately understanding our obligation and that our approach is consistent with it. We think it is. And so were not always this ca
20 billion loan well share that information and lastly there were a series of informational moses that were included in your packet about hunter view and there are followup questions for a Services Programs and thats in your informational memoranda no our packet and i provided a detailed report with respects to all the activities for your reference that concludes my report. Thank you very much lets call the next item and its item 9 commissioners questions and letters. Thank you very much for the staff for working hard to put together the materials and appreciate having all the documents. So thank you very much anyone else. Okay. One question about the Community Meeting in the western edition. Yes. Any idea when that might happen. Thats a great question. I personally dont it makes me think that sally did not our original decision was about the Fillmore Heritage Center and maybe someone else but we can also have more of a workshop sort of open house situation. Maybe in our next call were
. An Incredible Program because we take regular kids teach them the love of the game. We have no emphasis on winning we only have an emphasis on learning and trying as hard as they can thats it and the chips fall where they may. When students leave our program whether or not adults or kids theyll have a mechanical understanding of what they have. You dont have to be 7 feet tall or be super faster but you do need skwil. Once you teach kids how to have control over the Tennis Courts theyll master. Please invest ladies and gentlemen, [inaudible]. Yes. Here it comes. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the january 21st, 2014 meeting of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency board of directors and Parking Authority commission. Please read the roll. Director brinkman . Present. Brinkman present. Director heinicke is anticipated. Director nolan . Present. [speaker not understood]. Rubke . Rib keefe present. Director lee will not be here today, but you do have a quo
Item 4, approval of minutes for january 7, 2014 regular meeting. Is there a motion . Motion to approve. Is there a eked second. Any furs discussion . All in favor say aye. Aye. Ayes have it, so ordered. Thank you. Item 5, please be advised there will be no closed session today. Item 6, introduction of new or Unfinished Business by board members. Would you like to handle the election of officers first . I can see he the press is here for our election of officers. [laughter] appreciate that. Im there is a great deal of interest, a lot of competition for it. So, yes, lets do the election. Is there any nomination for chair of the board . I would like to nominate mr. Tom nolan for the chair of the board. Second that . Second. Any further discussion . All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed same . Ayes have it. Nomination for cheryl brinkman. Is there a second . Second. All in favor say aye . Aye. Opposed no. The ayes have it. Congratulations. [laughter] , thank the press for coming out for that.
[speaker not understood] any person responsible for one going off may be asked to leave the room. Please be advised cell phones that are set on vibrate do cause microphone interference so the board respectfully requests that they be placed in the off position. Item 4, approval of minutes for january 7, 2014 regular meeting. Is there a motion . Motion to approve. Is there a eked second. Any furs discussion . All in favor say aye. Aye. Ayes have it, so ordered. Thank you. Item 5, please be advised there will be no closed session today. Item 6, introduction of new or Unfinished Business by board members. Would you like to handle the election of officers first . I can see he the press is here for our election of officers. [laughter] appreciate that. Im there is a great deal of interest, a lot of competition for it. So, yes, lets do the election. Is there any nomination for chair of the board . I would like to nominate mr. Tom nolan for the chair of the board. Second that . Second. Any furt