tamerlan tsarnaev might well have connections to international terror. they said he was going to travel overseas and potentially meet where unspecified groups. what happened? we shouldn t be ruling out things at the beginning stages of the investigation. bill: i think a lot of you would agree with you on that point. on the miranda rights point, kt this is what speaker boehner told us last hour now. bill: are you okay with him not being read his miranda rights? i am. at this point i think it s perfectly fine. again i don t think it matters under what exception. you can always mirandize this individual, but the important thing is that get the information now. bill: i have not heard a lot of people disagree with that. think about the opposite what if they had read him the miranda rights and what if he had clammed up and what if there, god forbid been another attack that we could have seen coming if we had questioned the guy. just think of the conversation if there was a second attack
information out of young dzhokhar tsarnaev. they did not read him his miranda rights as we all well know by this point. that means nothing they learn from him in these interactions could be used against him in a criminal court but some lawmakers say that they don t believe that that will matter. not worried about whether he will be convicted. he will be convicted. i worry about intelligence that can save american lives. i believe that only can be done if he is treated as an enemy combatant and does not have access to a lawyer. martha: we re joined by former attorney general of the united states john ashcroft. he is ceo of the ashcroft group. good to have you here this morning. thanks for being here. delighted to be with you. martha: talk to me about what you just heard. peter king clearly feels as though there is no draw back to not having read this young man, who is an american citizen, his mir rand today rights. what do you think? well, the miranda warning, is to be given to
our committees have talked to some of them. i think we ll see more of this in the progress report but we re going to see more in the way of hearings here. and, the reason i haven t called for a select committee yet, i don t think it has risen to that level. i think the five committees that have jurisdiction over this matter are working closely together. they re getting the job done. if at some point it s necessary to have the select committee and i will be happy to do it. bill: but right now you re not willing to do that. at this point i don t think that s the right call. bill: have you been advised benghazi was a front for moving arms out of libya toward the syrian rebels? i heard this rumor but i don t believe it had any impact on what happened at that consulate. bill: to this day you can not say that that was happening in benghazi? no, i don t believe, i said i heard the rumor but i don t believe that the rumor, whether it is true, not true, had any impact on what was happenin
carjacking by the way is now talking and what he is saying might give us a glimpse of the motive here. now he was driving a mercedes suv, the owner of that suv. says he was forced to drive to watertown at gunpoint. claims the brothers told him quote, they were the boston marathon bombers and would not kill him because he was not american. well the victim escaped apparently. earlier we are told he was let go. but apparently he escaped at a nearby gas station and called 911. that is where police got hot on their trail at that point, martha. martha: investigators are looking into possible radicalization of these suspects trying to figure out how they got to this point. they re turning their attention overseas in this hunt. here is congressman michael mccaul, chairman of the house homeland security committee on this. listen. you can t understand this case until you understand where they came from is chechnya. the chechen rebels are some of the fiercest jihadist
in new york as well. terrific work by the fbi and the police especially five days last week. that based on what we re learning right now did they drop the ball earlier on in this case, 2012 and 2011? i think it is way too early to make that determination. i talked to director mueller yesterday. they re pooling all of their information together and facts together because we ve got members of congress and the american people interested in what the answers were. we ll get those answers soon enough. bill: mike rogers yesterday said the fbi was very prudent and very thorough and placed no blame on the agency, anything that happened over a year, two years, three years prior to that. do we know that to be the case? i don t know that to be the case at this point but the fbi will have their opportunity to lay all of this information out before the american people and then we can judge but let s go back. last week was a rough week for the american people. clearly a rough week for the people of