Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at his final campaign rally ahead of Karnataka Assembly elections on Sunday, accused the Congress party of openly advocating for Karnataka’s separation from India. It comes a day after former Congress leader Sonia Gandhi addressed a campaign rally in Hubballi on Saturday. Congress referring to her speech in a tweet […]
With only three days left until the Karnataka Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold the second leg of the huge roadshow in Bangalore on Sunday, May 7. However, today the roadshow will be shorter due to the NEET entrance exam. On Sunday, Prime Minister Modi will hold a roadshow in Karnataka, an […]
Apple’s fourth quarter results suggest that Apple is beginning to recover from a crisis that has affected both the computer and smartphone industries. It was a particular relief for investors after Qualcomm Inc., a key supplier, raised new concerns about phone demand earlier this week. Apple sales in China, a weak spot for other […]
Stock market holiday today: Due to Maharashtra Day, trading at BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) and NSE (National Stock Exchange) will remain closed on 1st May 2023 ie today. This means that there will be no trading activity in the Indian stock market today. In accordance with the list of stock market holidays in May […]
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday urged central and state sports ministers to join forces in their quest to transform India into a leading sports nation. Speaking at a Chintan Shivir in Manipur, Modi called for a strategic focus on sports infrastructure, training and goal setting to achieve national success in various […]