Changing the speed limit on parkways in Minneapolis to 20 mph brings the recreational routes in line with the 20 mph speed limit for local streets. Minneapolis and St. Paul reduced the speed limit on local city streets to 20 mph last year.
The white stripe on the walking path seen above is supposed to be a straight line, a way to divide the walking and biking paths along Victory Memorial Parkway in Minneapolis. Instead, a recent restriping job resulted in . well, this wibbly wobbly mess.
Listen: Trail Closed sign plays X-rated message, to shock of downtown pedestrians
The speaker is supposed to play a Trail closed message. Instead, it played filth.
Shaymus McLaughlin, Bring Me The News
Every morning, Amy Rosenthal and her 15-year-old terrier poodle mix take a 45-minute walk in and around downtown Minneapolis. About 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 13, their ever-changing route brought them to the West River Parkway, where they headed east under the Hennepin Avenue Bridge, toward First Bridge Park.
That s when she heard the very unusual message emanating from the little speaker affixed to the bright orange Trail Closed Ahead sign.