A Parliamentary standing committee, in its recent report, has recommended a system of reward and punishment for officials entrusted with resolution of public grievances."The Committee would like to suggest that there must be a system of .
In a letter to PM Narendra Modi, CM Mamata Banerjee said the state government "cannot release and is not releasing" Bengal Chief Secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay.
Centre recalls West Bengal Chief Secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay, to report in Delhi on May 31 - Bandyopadhyay was earlier due to retire on May 31 after completion of 60 years of age. However, he was granted a three-month extension.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday appealed to the BJP government at the centre to "stop this political vendetta" for the sake of the people. This comes a day after her row with PM Modi over a cyclone review meet.
After West Bengal CM Banerjee appealed to the Centre to withdraw its order recalling her state’s chief secretary, leader of opposition Suvendu Adhikari on Saturday said the IAS officer’s transfer was fair because he had broken protocol.