The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has taken a commanding lead in Uttar Pradesh, leading in more than 250 seats well past the majority mark of 202 with the Samajwadi Party leading in 105 seats in the first two hours since the counting of votes started.
March 11: Chinese authorities sent a northeastern city of nine million people into lockdown on Friday as the country has seen daily COVID-19 cases top 1,000 this week for the first time since the early days of the pandemic, which originated in Wuhan.
In a seemingly polarised electoral atmosphere that saw a straight contest between the ruling BJP and Samajwadi Party (SP), voters have sent 36 Muslim candidates to the 18th Uttar Pradesh Assembly, two more than the previous Assembly.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog has said that his country's relations with Türkiye are important to enhance stability in the region. “Good relations with Türkiye are important to Israel and to the entire Middle East," Herzog said upon departure to Türkiye from Ben Gurion Airport.
Damascus, Mar 7: Israel fired several missiles toward Syrian military positions near the capital Damascus Monday, killing two civilians and causing material damage, Syria’s defense ministry said.