Rahul Gandhi on Sunday launched a scathing attack against Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and said his remote control was with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The remark drew sharp criticism from BJP and BRS., India News, Times Now
"Rahul Gandhi's speech in the Khammam meeting was a bundle of lies, and he made baseless allegations, probably based on the script prepared by the Congress workers in Telangana. This is very unfortunate," said BRS leader Dasoju Sravan.
At the meeting, 17 opposition parties including the Congress resolved to fight the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in a united manner to defeat the BJP at the Centre and work with flexibility by setting aside their differences. They will meet in Shimla next month to chalk out a joint strategy.
Nadda said poverty in India that was pegged at 22 per cent earlier has been reduced to less than 10 per cent under the Modi government even as extreme poverty came down to less than one per cent