PM Modi leading from front photo goes viral, PM Modi viral photo from Quad Summit goes viral, PM Modi viral photo, Quad Summit, Quad Summit Tokyo, Quad Summit Japan, United States, Australia, Smriti Irani, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Amit Malviya, Pema Khandu, Joe Biden, Fumio Kishida, Anthony Albanese
As the devotees across the country celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, marking the culmination of the holy month of Ramzan, President Ram Nath Kovind and a number of political leaders extended wishes on the occasion.
Kashmiris are alienated from the rest of the country because of the policies of the government, CPI Rajya Sabha member Binoy Viswam said on Tuesday.Participating in the debate on the Jammu and Kashmir Budget 2022-23 and two Appropriation Bills .