Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a high level meeting in Morbi, Gujarat to review the situation in the wake of the unfortunate bridge mishap killing at least 135 people.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi presided over a high-level conference in Morbi, Gujarat, to assess the situation following the tragic bridge collapse that killed at least 135 people.
PM Narendra Modi on Tuesday chaired a high level meeting in Morbi, Gujarat to review the situation in the wake of the unfortunate bridge mishap killing at least 135 people.
Morbi, Oct 30: At least 60 people, many of them women and children, died after a century-old suspension bridge on the Machchhu river in Gujarat’s Morbi city collapsed this evening, officials said. The bridge, which reopened four days ago after extensive repairs and renovation, was crammed with people when it collapsed around 6.30 pm, officials said. “At least 60 persons have died in the tragedy,” Gujarat Minister Brijesh Merja told reporters. Eyewitnesses said there were several women and children on […]