not only, but it would be a good idea to a live action snow white, that they thought it was such a good idea they made two films of a live action snow white. they green lit two films. this is coming from a hollywood insider. you know why? they used the word green lid. furthermore it is called snow white and the huntsman. dwarfs should be angry that they took their name out of the title. there was no huntsman. it is a reason to recast thor. yes, please. it is always about politics here, mib. isn t the point moot if that is the correct way of putting it? all actors will disappear eventually, and they will be replaced by basically i disagree with your basic premise, greg. actors live forever. that is the joy of being a thespian. we will always exist on the silver screen. that is a beautiful smile. thank you. i got tingly in all of the
amazing. greg, you said the principal had the student remove his shirt for his own safety. i don t believe the principal said any such thing. it is called reading it fast. new jersey muss limes suing the muslims suing the nypd. i agree it shouldn t be compared to the police. very smart of them to have a guy who is a u.s. army reservist to be one of the plaintiffs. that is a genius move. you said if they catch them, meaning terrorists, everyone will be happy, and you are probably right. shouldn t it bother people that they are doing it without oversight. the city council is not checking it. congress is not doing anything about it. they are operating on their own. that makes me nervous. that makes me nervous too. that s another slippery slope. i still think that is better than not having it at all. there is one oversight. it is called getting board. this is a very boring job. they have to sit with
she was the boy in panic room, right? how dare you? she had asthma in that movie. apologize to asthmatic. she was an asthmatic teenage boy. no, she wasn t. and you mentioned greg is a diminutive talk show host. why do you think that was our close story? it cut a little close to the bone, right? if it did i wouldn t have done the story. but i am okay with it. you embrace it. you embrace your genetic freakishness. come on. you just said you are an angry man. thanks for spilling my secret. shame on you for saying that this makes you mad that this is america and it is a free world, but not for the little people. we are trying to have a civilized discussion about this. it is a very serious issue. to just bring your hatred and bigotry to the studio, i am
and david. david, the female dwarf. and schmoozy, the jewish dwarf. he made it in hollywood. runs the whole thing. jay he is the executive producer. such fame from such a little man, way to go, schmoozy. greg, you referred to the school as welcot hi? yes. i think it is pronounced welcot. i m assuming michael would know better than i would. i can t do the jaw clinch thing. was this a connecticut school? yes, right in your backyard. knots in my not in my backyard, buddy. nimby as we like to sai. jaime you said this was a day of silence and they had to break the silence to yell at this kid and make him take off his shirt. it was supposed to be a day of
appalled. it is 2012, man. thank you. i m sorry. greg, you said what would make this okay is if little people could addition for tall people roles and they could superimpose their heads so tall bodies. then tom cruise can play an adult. maybe they are doing that because he is playing jack reacher who is like 6 foot 4 in the books. that is so ridiculous. especially when you have channing tatum waiting to play that role. have i been asking him to play that role. you ask him to play a lot of roles. i do. that s why i am not allowed near his trailer. ask is a polite word. in the original grimms fairy tale there was a huntsman. back off on saying there was never a huntsman. fine, but he was not in the title. that belongs to the adorable dwarves. how many? there was seven dwarves. can you name them? sleepy, dopey, grumpy, bashful and joe.