coronavirus overtaking wuhan, china. what do we do? oh, you know who we could ask? the wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. the disease [laughter] is the same name as the lab are. [laughter] that s just, that s just a little too weird, don t you think? howard: here s i stewart on his apple f the show reflecting on the backlash. i thought it was a pretty good can bit that expressed kind of how i felt. and the two things that came out of it were i m racist against asian people and how dare i align myselfs with the alt-right. howard: unreal. i bring this up, of course, because parts of the biden administration now believe the kid thely virus did originate from that wuhan lap lab. we don t know for sure, but the media and social media played a key role in stifling any debate. i m howard kurtz and this is mediabuzz. howard: ahead, brian kilmeade on his interview with ron desantis and the house investigating george santos. one politician who got beat up pretty badly
schools. howard: but desantis says no one on nbc or msnbc would get an interview until she apologizes properly. desantis sometimes angers the hoping are media by not notifying them of public events. when the governor signed a i routine death penalty warrant, the liberal huffington post ran this headline: florida executes man used as political pawn by ron desantis. this monster killed a police officer, went to jail, escaped, stabbed this mom to death in a parking lot, and huffington post thinks he is the victim. perhaps the highest profile confrontation was with 60 minutes which accused desantis of awarding publix the vaccine contract. the criticism is that it s pay to play, governor. it s a fake narrative. i just disabused you of the narrative, is and you don t care about the facts.
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people, you know, the leaders of newspapers, so it s a bunch of well-off white people who cothe not live around black do not live around black people. zero members of the media have reported what i said in context. howard: so, rich lowry, adams began with a poll showing a slight majority of blacks agreeing it s okay to be white. and then he goes to black people are a hate group, and now he says, well, that was hyperbole. sounds like kind of a lame defense to me. yeah. so, generally, i when someone steps in it, i just want an apology and move on. but this was so flagrant, and the explanations and defenses make no sense because, as we saw in that clip you played, he said all black people are a hate group, and you should stay away from black people, right? all black people. [laughter] there s no way to characterize it except for racism. racist. and then he comes back and says, well, i m all about individuals, which is fine, which is correct,
disproportionate, you know, situations for african-americans. what he clearly meant was he s angry and bitter about things that happened in the his life, and he s built up, and he s blaming an entire community and warning everybody of his skin color to stay away from that community, and that s racism 101. howard: right. and those jobs were a long time ago. in fact, adams lost some subscribers to dilbert, you know, the final reason is because his distributer dropped him along with his agent. when he created a character called dave the black engineer to mock workplace diversity. but i still come back to, and you ouch thed on it, rich touch thed the on it, rich, why scott adams would do this. he seems to be blaming the media and reporters as a last resort. yeah. and, you know, it could have been that he just figured, well, i have this independent platform, i ve made a lot of money and i can just comy own thing. but clearly he regrets it, and it s a huge reputational hit,