As the 30th Army Chief, Lt Gen Dwivedi will be taking over after serving the country as Vice Chief of Army Staff, Northern Army Commander, DG Infantry and many other command appointments in the force. - Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi Appointed As Next Chief Of Army Staff
China will not allow any country or force to trigger war or chaos in the Asia-Pacific region, Minister of National Defense Dong Jun said on Sunday in Singapore, while making his debut at the Shangri-La Dialogue, an elite global security forum.
An international conference was held in Hanoi on May 30 to discuss the science and technology for the treatment and mitigation of the impacts of war-left toxic chemicals/dioxin on people and the environment in Vietnam.
An international conference was held in Hanoi on May 30 to discuss the science and technology for the treatment and mitigation of the impacts of war-left toxic chemicals/dioxin on people and the environment in Vietnam.