ethics agency set up by democrats after the thing almost ten years ago. so, they wanted the republicans to walk that back, but it only happened that the republicans backed off when donald trump tweeted out that he didn t think they should do it either. is that a coincidence or is that a sign of donald trump s influence with paul ryan s colleagues? i think it s a little of both. i m glad they walked it back. i was in favor of abolishing the office of congressional ethics. let s put the substance aside. it was not an auspicious beginning for the republican caucus when it comes to understanding how to present theiidea and i hope going forrd they don t spring things on people. it s happened before, for example, the cut in military retiree benefits and the ryan murray deal four years ago. what they need to do is get a lot of things on the table, go big, far, fast, but do it in public. put a lot of moving parts out there, engage chuck schumer, engage everyone in there in a
to raise the debt ceiling that would also restore military retiree benefits that were cut a couple of months ago. but by this morning, it became clear to a disappointed boehner that he did not have the votes in his own caucus to raise the debt ceiling even with off sets to pay for the military retiree benefits. this morning boehner was led to hand passage of a kreen debt ceiling bill to the democrats. understand, the president driving up the debt, the president wanting to do nothing about the debt that is occurring will not engage in our long term spending problem and so let his party give him the debt ceiling increase that he wants. listen. this is a lost opportunity for america. even if all 200 house democrats vote to raise the debt ceiling, they would still need 17 or so republicans to cross over and vote for a clean debt ceiling increase. jenna: so what kind of time line?
rules and then i m thinking, oak. these are people that, you know, we re paying for? and keeping in their jobs and these are high level people that are being told, and we do know this from some sources, being told look at certain groups for political reasons? jon: and they have access to all of our personal information. that s great. exactly. and they don t know their own rules. jon: thank you. my pleasure. jenna: right now congress reaching an agreement on a massive new spending deal. just a short time ago, house leaders on both sides you be veiling their plan which is expected to cost more than a trillion dollars. this to avoid yet another government shutdown so what is exactly in the trillion dollar deal? our chief congressional correspondent is live with more on this. mike? hi, jenna. yes. 1,500 plus page bill and here is a sample of what is in it. it fixes military retiree benefits for the disabled and for the families of the fallen. it does not include new funding for obama
comes to their thoughts on extending unemployment benefits. just walk us through that as it stand today. reporter: absolutely, jenna. there are a variety of ideas coming forward from republican senators saying okay, we should help those who are long-term unemployed who desperately need help while looking for work but we should pay for it with our debt at about $17 trillion. at this hour as you mentioned, six republican senator, kelly ayote, rob portman, saxby chambliss, john nye isakson and john hoeven come for word with a idea. they would pay for three month extension and pay for military retiree benefits trimmed in last year s budget deal and closing loophole where immigrants can claim additional child tax credit. john boehner on house side of the capitol was asked about his thoughts on unemployment. we re all concerned about those who have had a difficult time trying to find a job. that is why we passed dozens of
bipartisan spirit on immigration reform, achieving a farm bill, intelligence and surveillance reform. there are a number of really pressing plus, i hope correct some of the deficiencies in this, like extend unemployment insurance and remedy the cuts in military retiree benefits. yeah, i hope you re right about that. i also hope beyond bipartisanship, which can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, we also see that having broken the bluff and the threat over the debt ceiling, we don t have to relive that. i know your colleague, senator mcconnell, was gesturing at that. i think one of the answers we have seen that movie you guys bluffed and lost in october. don t waste our time. senator blumenthal, thanks for spending some of your time with us today. thank you. we are turning to other friends of ours, krystal ball, my colleague at msnbc, and professor james peterson from pennsylvania. professor, you just heard the senator speak to unemployment