bipartisan spirit on immigration reform, achieving a farm bill, intelligence and surveillance reform. there are a number of really pressing -- plus, i hope correct some of the deficiencies in this, like extend unemployment insurance and remedy the cuts in military retiree benefits. >> yeah, i hope you're right about that. i also hope beyond bipartisanship, which can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, we also see that having broken the bluff and the threat over the debt ceiling, we don't have to relive that. i know your colleague, senator mcconnell, was gesturing at that. i think one of the answers we have seen that movie you guys bluffed and lost in october. don't waste our time. senator blumenthal, thanks for spending some of your time with us today. >> thank you. we are turning to other friends of ours, krystal ball, my colleague at msnbc, and professor james peterson from pennsylvania. professor, you just heard the senator speak to unemployment