This unbridged gap between the ape-like australopithecines and the abruptly appearing human-like members of our genus challenges evolutionary accounts.
Amy Goldberg’s passion for human evolution probably started with the genetic anthropology books her father poured over during his Ph.D. studies. “I remember very clearly sitting and looking at one of his big textbooks and sounding out the word au-stra-lo-pith-e-cus when I was maybe nine or 10 years old,” she recalled.
PARIS The earliest known human ancestor walked on two feet as well as climbing through trees around seven million years ago, scientists recently said after studying three limb bones.When the skull of Sahelanthropus tchadensis was discovered in Chad in 2001, it pushed back the age of the oldest known representative species of humanity by a million years. Nicknamed “Toumai”,
PARIS The earliest known human ancestor walked on two feet as well as climbing through trees around seven million years ago, scientists recently said after studying three limb bones.When the skull of Sahelanthropus tchadensis was discovered in Chad in 2001, it pushed back the age of the oldest known representative species of humanity by a million years. Nicknamed “Toumai”,