My herd of cattle has munched down the grass on the 26 acres here at Miles Smith Farm. So every day, we deliver two or three 800-pound round bales to three separate pastures. If we’re late, the cattle crowd the gate, mooing encouragement, blocking the.
My chair vibrated to the beat of “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins while a platform (with the help of cables and pulleys) levitated over the stage. On the platform, two drummers pounded the beat while laser lights cut through smoke poofing from.
Once again, this year, I signed up to bid in NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction at the 2022 Hopkinton Fair, where fourteen 4-H club members presented goats, sheep, pigs, and steers they had spent a year raising and tending. Hours before the auction.
It’s hard to know what’s most enchanting about Sanborn Mills Farm in Loudon. Is it the lovely garden beside the restored 1800s barn? Is it the working gristmill? Or the water-powered sawmill? Perhaps the sum of all the parts is the magic of Sanborn.
After months of preparation and a three-hour drive to Woods Hole, Mass., we finally drove our truck and trailer, with four bovines and one donkey, onto the ferry for a 45-minute boat ride to Martha’s Vineyard for its 160th Agricultural Fair. This year.