‘The clay for the bricks in your chimney came from that pit,” said former neighbor Bob McLaren as he pointed to the wet area at the bottom of the hill. “They harvested clay where that pond is now.”I looked at the small seasonal pond and pictured the.
Carole’s Corner is a farming and agriculture column. It runs every week in the Sunday Your Life section. The author is co-owner of a local farm and not a member of the Monitor’s staff. The sun slid down behind the hills, leaving streaks of red in the.
At 1 a.m., I dragged myself out of bed, pulled on my robe, then pushed puppy Joy out of her bed. She flopped like a beanbag, half in and half out of her bed. I shoved her out of the dog bed, and she rolled over with her legs still curled underneath..
Of all the farms in Loudon, one of my favorites is Purely Wholesome Farm on Lower Ridge Road. Years ago, I met owner Cindy Shea at a writers’ picnic at Southern New Hampshire University. Cindy, a published author, had just started farming and came to.
My barnyard looks like an ice-skating rink, neighbor Marianne swears her driveway is an Olympic-quality bobsled course, and Facebook friend Janice Dobson told me her mini-horses are skating on the ice just like her. Hmm, ice-skating horses. Do we have.