Georgia General Assembly closed out the first half of its 2023 Legislative Session on Thursday, but veterans know well that it is not all downhill from here. Second half of the session always seems substantially longer than the first, and fatigue is common in the final 20 days.
The Georgia General Assembly closed out the first half of its 2023 Legislative Session on Thursday, but veterans know well that it is not all downhill from here. Like a marathon, the.
House Rules Committee Chairman Richard Smith (R-Columbus) convenes the first Rules Committee meeting of 2023 on Wednesday. The Capitol was stirring well before the crack.
Governor Brian Kemp delivers his second inaugural address on Thursday at the Georgia State University Convocation Center. Thursday was the Third Legislative Day for the.
the Senate passed HB 961, a bill to address re-balancing the civil justice system after the Hatcher decision. This bill is on its way to the Governor’s desk. Georgia Data Analytic Center; establish as an agent of all executive state agencies; definitions; provide.