It was either with you are chairman smith asking about working with faithbased organizations. We do work with that. In fact, we visited with the archbishop in kurdistan when we were there to talk about the work they are doing. I know the king and jordan has been very open in meeting with different religious leaders both sort of from an islamic perspective to reduce the lore of isil, but also how do we work with the various religious groups. Syria was one of the most tolerant countries in the entire middle east before all this took place. It is important but there are many groups we work with to try and reduce the tension that is going on. Is there a way to hold those areas that you have the refugees in going to school and being abused with whatever type of abuse that is. Gender abuse, we will say how do you go about making you said you are helping those countries deal with that and trying to make sure they are protected, but how do you go about holding that country or that government a
Signed, john a. Boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 6 2015, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Gutierrez, for five minutes. Mr. Gutierrez id like to congratulate the speaker and the republican majority for coming to their senses and allowing the house of representatives to pass a bill funding the department of Homeland Security for the rest of the fiscal year. Seems odd i would have to come to this well to congratulate the majority for funding one of the largest and most important departments in the u. S. Governme
Policing acknowledging racial bias among Law Enforcement officers. He was giving the speech to students at georgetown. He placed himself in the heart of the debate. That has driven minority communities. The president has spoken out several times. Eric holder sparked a controversy with a controversy with the speech in which he said the United States was a nation of cowards when it came to discussing race. We went to get your reaction to what james connie had to say yesterday, particularly when it comes to resisting bias and race in policing. We set aside a fourth line this morning for Law Enforcement. If you cant get through on phone lines, you can comment via social media. You can join the conversation on race book facebook. You can send an email. It is a little bit more of his speech. Police officers on patrol often work in environments where a hugely disproportionate percentage of street crime is committed by young men of color. Something happens to people of goodwill working in an e
Gentleman from kentucky for a minute and a half. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for main and a half. Mr. Rogers i thank the gentleman for the time. This is a bipartisan bill, and i hope every member in this house will be happy to support it. Im glad to see at the very least the senate has plans to take up this bill, stop the presses, the senate is going to take up a bill even if they wont consider most of our other bills. As we wait for the senate to come to the negotiating table on shutting the shutdown down, our federal work force should not wait to find out whether or not theyll be paid. This bill will provide back pay for those workers whove been furloughed in a fair, full and timely manner after the shutdown ends. The house has made Great Strides towards this end. In fact, yesterday, the house has approved 15 different options to fund the government, sent them over to the senate. Sadly, the only response is a loud snore. I hope this bill, which i
Both sides of the aisle who have gone out of their way to make me feel welcome, to help me navigate the sometimes confusing rules and traditions of the senate, and for assisting me in making the most of my time here. One thing that i did note for certain when i arrived here in june was that i wanted to use my time as effectively as possible. To the extent that i have, i have so many of my colleagues to thank. The senior senator from new jersey, who will soon have to break in another new senator from our state, has been a very supportive colleague, and i truly appreciate his willingness to assist me throughout my time in the senate. Thank you, senator. The republican leader has gone above and beyond to give me this opportunity to work to make a difference during my tenure here, and for that, i want to thank him very much. I also want to thank the senior senator from delaware and the junior senator from oklahoma for agreeing to my request to hold a hearing on Human Trafficking in the Hom