to me that almost every time he opened his mouth he lied and he lost me for in helsinki when he said, i believe putin and not my own people. that was it for me. and look, i wrote an op-ed in the new york times a few weeks ago. he is unfit. somebody needs to primary him and i m stunned, joy, and michael, and mika, that no republican this year has stepped up to make the moral case against trump because most of them believe privately everything i say publicly about trump. right. yeah. so you have and you know, couldn t agree with you more on the things you have to say about president trump. but for those who are really thinking deeply about this and trying to figure out what to do with their votes, because this is such an important election, you know, we have to look at how we got here. and a lot of the ways we got here was the devaluation of the truth. and hate speech. yes. why should a voter pass by
their future. this is how we inspire hope. this is how we heal. cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. i think it s a work in progress. we have a number of people that would like to see russia back. i think it would be advantageous to many things in the world. i think it would be a positive. it s something that we re discussing. i don t know if we ll make a decision one way or the other, but we did have a discussion about russia last night as to whether or not we want to invite them back. i think it s i think it s advantageous. i think it s a positive. other people agree with me and some people don t necessarily agree. again, i think mika, this is walter midi at the g7 in his own
class of 2010. and we went to washington in 2010 to raise hell about the debt and the deficits. but me and a bunch of people like me, we got ahead of ourselves and we engaged in this politics of personal destruction. we i speaking for myself, i would demonize my opponents. i would say bad personal things about president obama, about muslims. things that i regret and though those personal attacks that we got into too much, i think led to the personification of trump because joe, mika, that s all he is. he is one giant ugly personal attack. he can t engage in the issues so yeah, i feel pretty darn responsible for having him in the white house. so let s talk about the reason you got to congress as a member of the tea party for smaller government. same reason i ran in 1994. you look at the numbers now, the largest federal debt ever under
my work in the intelligence community a determined attacker will always get through. some of the attackers are nation state hackers from iran and north korea but not all that sophisticated. and unless we are good at going at that human attacker on the other side, unless prosecutors are figuring out who that person is and arresting them, we will never make a dent in this program. right now we are all defense, no offense. all right. mika oyang and dave aronberg, thank you. come back soon. great to have you both on. and we ll be right back with much more of morning joe. ch m.
a top secret security clearance to son-in-law and white house senior adviser jared kushner over the objections of intelligence officials. this directly contradicts what the president told the times just a month ago. i don t think i have the authority to do that. i m not sure i do, but i wouldn t do it. i was never involved with his security. well, the times report builds on our own nbc news reporting from a few weeks ago with sources say officials rejected the security clearance for kushner but were overruled. i m joined now my charlie savidge, and mika oyang, and ben wittis. charlie, you contributed to this report from the new york times. i want to read part of the article. mr. trump s decision in may so troubled senior administration