The Television will feature a Micro AI processor made of inorganic materials which will optimise the picture quality in real-time. The MicroLEDs used, will offer a lifespan of up to 100,000 hours of viewing (around 274 years), which is much more than other OLED screen technology available today in the market. The self-illuminating technology used in the Television can display 100% of the DCI and Adobe RGB color gamut and is said to accurately deliver wide color gamut images taken with high-end cameras. The Television features an impressive 99.99% screen-to-body ratio, which is sure to offer an immersive experience. The television will also offer consumers the option to use the Multi-View feature to comfortably watch up to four sources of content at the same time using the split-screen functionality. The TV includes an embedded Majestic Sound System that delivers 5.1 channel sound, and also an Object Tracking Sound Pro feature which will identify objects moving objects on th