Arriving at the table in a wide-rim pasta bowl, the creamy lemon bucatini, as it’s officially named, comes packed with strong flavors, contrasting textures and an arsenal of cracked black pepper.
Paul Dechary is wrapping up an “incredibly busy” year leading Monster Beverage Corp.’s (Nasdaq: MNST) 50-person legal team through acquisitions and new product launches.
Existing tenants of the 450,000-square-foot VKCC creative office campus in Irvine are in the process of looking for a new home as the property’s landlord Irvine-based IRA Capital moves forward with plans to redevelop the complex into an industrial hub.
Irvine-based IRA Capital LLC, one of the most active commercial real estate investors in Orange County’s airport area the past few years, has inked a deal to double its local headquarters.