five months after her husband had vanished. at that time, michelle s home was in foreclosure and she had realized she had no choice but to file for divorce. i don t know how ready to say i am filing for divorce, but financially it s a necessity right now so it s something that has to be done in order to try to separate myself from the debt that he s accrued. in october 2005, a little over a year after her husband literally jumped ship, michelle filed for bankruptcy. the person that i fell in love with, the person that i knew for five years, that person certainly was a soul mate and a best friend to me. this person who would leave behind such devastation in his wake, i don t know who he is. with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, michelle told us she should have seen the signs of trouble coming. mark was sometimes distant. he could be rude, even abusive to people he deemed his social inferiors. but the summer of 2004, a few
so all you pay for is data. choose by the gig or unlimited. and ask how to get a $200 prepaid card when you buy any new samsung device with xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. click, call or visit today. for years after her husband abandoned her in the greek isles, michelle kramer fought back every way she could. for years after her husband abandoned her in the greek isles, michelle kramer fought
according to the ear nose and throat doctor who discovered phyllis throat cancer two months later, the sinus surgery was not only unnecessary, it probably caused her cancer to grow more rapidly than it might have otherwise. ken allen told the jury the reason mark weinberger recommended sinus surgery for phyllis barnes was greed. mark weinberger needed money to support his lavish lifestyle, allen told the court, and sinus surgery is what paid the bills. will you please tell us your name and spell your last name for the court reporter. michelle kramer. allen put weinberger s ex-wife michelle on the big screen to talk about their high life. we had a yacht that was in the mediterranean half the year and in the balm bahamas the other half of the year. in prerecorded testimony, michelle told the court that the phyllis barnes case weighed heavily on her husband s mind the week before he abandoned her. he was constantly fretting and worrying about the lawsuit, becoming increasin
in a drawer. after 24 hours of watching a hysterical michelle suffer, the yacht s captain gave her the number for a greek cell phone that mark had been secretly using ever since they had been on the yacht. michelle had no idea what would happen when she dialed that number, but she was desperate to hear her husband s voice. he answered rather happily, like 5:00 a.m., he said, hello? i was in shock. i said, hello? then he fumbled with the phone and he hung up. did he know it was you on the phone? oh, yeah. how did that feel? i was devastated. i felt like somebody punched me in the stomach. i couldn t understand why he would do that. as it turned out, michelle s husband had, as promised, given her a huge surprise, all right. he deserted her.
he did 100 or 150 surgeries a month. and he made a lot of money. how do you see 100 patients in a day? you give every patient the same diagnosis and you give every patient the same prescription surgery. 18 months after he had vanished, a federal grand jury indicted weinberger in absentia on 22 counts of health care fraud. by now, the state of indiana had revoked his license. the fbi had issued a warrant for his arrest. the clinic was sold. weinberger s ex-wife michelle said it was clear to her little effort was being made to actually find him. the fbi has a huge list of people they re looking for. there s terrorists on the list. here is a white collar criminal who just is hiding out in europe, and they made it clear to me that he wasn t their number one priority.