instead of take out ultra maga they have nailed parents. first and foremost, parents with infants who can t find baby formula because the shortage we are seeing. it s important to remember the shortage exists because of the close of the facility. brian: the problems happened in february, and in february they did nothing. we demanded from the fda accountability and a plan to address the supply issue when the decision was made to shut down the plant in michigan. the fda didn t respond to me until last week, mid-may. brian: the president is going to invoke the defense production act. the same act jen psaki said won t work. the baby formula is so specialized and specific, you can t just say to a company that produces something else to produce baby formula. brian: what you know what makes baby formula, corn starch, and the defense production act is smoke and mirrors. it s insulting. the president saying he s going to fly in baby formula? from where? there is no baby formula
instead of take out ultra maga they have nailed parents. first and foremost, parents with infants who can t find baby formula because the shortage we are seeing. it s important to remember the shortage exists because of the close of the facility. brian: the problems happened in february, and in february they did nothing. we demanded from the fda accountability and a plan to address the supply issue when the decision was made to shut down the plant in michigan. the fda didn t respond to me until last week, mid-may. brian: the president is going to invoke the defense production act. the same act jen psaki said won t work. the baby formula is so specialized and specific, you can t just say to a company that produces something else to produce baby formula. brian: what you know what makes baby formula, corn starch, and the defense production act is smoke and mirrors. it s insulting. the president saying he s going to fly in baby formula? from where? there is no baby formula
when trump was still president. your dollar went a whole lot further under trump. you could fill up your gas tank for less than two bucks a gallon and the stock market was doing so well we all looked like geniuses. the 401(k)s, they are up 90%. 95%. [cheers] i always tell the story people come up to me they say i want to thank you my wife thinks i m a total loser, sir. she thinks i m the worst person with money, financials. she thinks i m just horrible and the last three years i m up 94%, sir. she thinks i m a total genius when it comes to finances. jesse: well in biden s america, we re now all fools. no longer geniuses. because i hate to say it the good old days are over. our economy has officially reached bear market territory today. the s&p fell 20%. that s officially now collapsing. now, on top of that, the nasdaq is off about 20 percent this year and the dow is about 5,000 points down. since january. that s the longest losing streak since the height of the great de
that facility serving as a backdrop for biden s broader message. that robust u.s. alliances with its asian allies is key to a thriving global economy and security. so much of the future of the world is going to be written here in the indo-pacific over the next several decades. we re standing at an inflection point in history where the decisions we made today will have far reaching impacts on the world we leave to our children tomorrow. the five-day trip through south korea, then next japan, also aimed at trying to counter china s growing influence in the region. we think putting that on display over four days bilaterally with the rok and japan through the quad, through the indo-pacific economic framework, it will send a powerful message. we think that message will be heard everywhere. we think it will be heard in beijing. even in asia, vladimir putin s invasion of ukraine remaining top of mind for president biden. putin s brutal and unprovoked war in ukraine has f
entire clinton campaign. title 42 is scheduled to go away monday. based upon biden s numbers they said expect 18,000 a people a day. that would be the equivalent of houston coming across the border in a year. and this weekend is the second leg of the triple crown. it s going to be one of the hottest stakes races in recent history. do it again can t wait for the weekend oh my god, it s the weekend like every day steve: talking about the weekend. you are looking like at people o racetrack in the baltimore area. tomorrow north running of the preakness at people lick co, i h during race time 96 degrees. the heat index will be 105 degrees when all the horses are taking the track late in the day. ainsley: ains tube tops shos are exposed. brian: do you think for couples they should sell action ware tank to be a tube top wouldn t that be good. ainsley: man in a tank top never a good idea. brian: you don t like men in tank tops why because of raging bull.