americans believe temperatures have gone up worldwide in the past century. and lastly, government programs. president obama took a shot at republicans when he said this about entitlements. the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security, these things do not zap our initiative. they strengthen us. they do not make us a nation of takers. they free us to take the risks that make this country great. i ll take that poll. the public s predominantly in favor here. when we polled on medicare, 54% said it only needed minor modifications if anything. joining us daifld corn and michael sheir. gentlemen, thank you. i didn t know this until you put it all together. i have a sense that on the right if you re a moderate positions like these polls say, you re
taxes but they re sick and tired in what they see as far as the stupidity in washington. that was oklahoma senator tom coburn earlier today on morning joe championing the big tea party movement. the tea party looks as if it s gaining strength and will likely add another member next year. it s good news for the tea party. but is that good news for republicans, democrats, or none of the above? michael sheir is the white house correspondent for time who wrote the cover story in the latest issue. there it is. we always sell here. this question of whether i looked at last summer as what a great example of what the pea party c tea party can do. to wreak havoc. as long as you ve got 80 or so members of the house of representatives that are
like china. just wait for that little morsel to make it to an obama ad near you. romney and bain capital. this story not going away. also, if you were to judge mitt romney and president obama s speeches to latino officials on reaction alone, it d be a slam dunk win for the president. but the big question for team obama, can they translate the enthusiasm we saw today into votes? plus the jury now has the sandusky case, but the jurors don t know the latest two pieces of explosive news about this matter. buzz bisinger will join us. and the debate over eric holder and fast and furious has moved to the front pages. the conservative base is thrilled. so why has the republican leadership been treating this story like it s kryptonite? and let me finish tonight to my home made solution to america s obesity crisis. we start with outsourcing jobs at bain capital. joan walsh and michael sheir.
concrete things he says is he s going to pick a fight with china. and we ve got examples of how he works to send american jobs to china. michael sheir i think this is going to stick with them. how about the argument you ll hear i suspect from romney and supporters that his job was not the same as the job he seeks. his job was to make money as a business leader. he s got an all different job description should he become the president. that is the argument. implicit in that is someone who has worked in me private sector who understands why companies are shipping jobs overseas will have an advantage over the current president. i think that s the turf on which we re going to be playing this out. i don t think it s a situation in which romney can get through this election i was once a business man or the president can say mitt romney was once a businessman, therefore, he wants to take your job and send it to china. neither of those will wash. the discussion is going to be about wh
outsourcing jobs. romney economics. it didn t work then and it won t work now. michael sheir, strange thing. i saw that was reviewed by the post, which had the story today and it was the recipient of several pinocchios, so it seems within the washington post, they can t get it together as to the accuracy of those charges. i think you can say the story was accurate and the ad was false. i don t think they re the same thing. there is an argument here. you could have surrogates for democrats defending this. would come on and say there are benefits to this sort of comparative advantage of allowing other countries to produce things cheaper if they can produce it cheaper. we re able to then buy the products cheaper. we ll have more money to spend. there are arguments to defend that is not really a good word in this election, the creative destruction of capitalism. what romney is saying in the clips you just played was my job as president will be different from my job as the private