Now inside the white house President Donald Trump hosting folks k through 12 years old professionals. Higher education folks and parents and students. The president speaking right now in this moment in the news conference. Talking about going back to school, how important that is not just for parents but also kids themselves. The white house saying if schools follow the cdc guidelines then opening up will be done safely. Listen to this. Very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools to get them open and it is very important. It is very important for our country. It is very important for the well being of the student and the parents. Reporter the head of cdc came out actually said urging schools to open. No one at the white house here is pushing a one size fits all approach. Health and Human Services secretary said some areas hit harder by the coronavirus will have to adjust but still can reopen. Not going to be the full experience. It will not be th