Pune: Two car makers Kia and the MG Motor on Friday introduced the Sonet and the Astor SUV facelifts respectively. The Sonet is priced in the Rs.7.99 lakh- Rs.15.69 lakh bracket. Kia has given the.
business reporter morris garages (mg), a british automobile brand with a 100 year old legacy, launched the mg astor 2024, india’s most advanced suv in its class at nangia cars (mg nagpur) on friday. the car w
MG Motor New CBO: Satinder Singh Bajwa brings more than two decades of automotive industry expertise to his new role, specializing in Sales & Marketing, Dealership Management, and Key Account Management. His extensive career includes notable positions at prominent auto OEMs such as Mahindra & Mahindra, where he served as Sr. Vice President, Head - Sales and Customer Care until April 2023.
Car Infotainment Systems: Instrument clusters, once limited to simple analogue gauges and basic digital readouts, have evolved into sophisticated information hubs. Modern vehicles boast of high-resolution, fully digital instrument clusters that provide drivers with a wealth of information at a glance. These clusters utilize cutting-edge technologies to deliver vibrant visuals and customizable layouts.