Recreation use of marijuana but should marijuana and it derivatives be used for health purposes. A very controversial issue, one in which frequently there is far more heat than light and where we frequently see people who seem to be immune to data. We have experts tonight to talk about this, it will be moderated by doctor david who is chief of Palliative Care at pennsylvania. Im a psychiatrist and i often think that most people including physicians dont understand what psychiatry is. Nobody understands what Palliative Care if its a wonderful branch of medicine and needs to be better understood. We launch the book a year ago, this is his second book he is launching here, no we do not have royalties ongy n it, but in two copies of it. Dr. David kasser at will come up in a minute, we, we believe all of you are literate, we print biographies in the program, this is not an imac went to sit up for ten minutes and read every paper that people wrote. Dr. Katz it will come up and will introduce
Controversial issue and one in which frequently theres forward more heat than light and where we frequently see people who seem to be immune to data. But we have experts tonight to talk about this, and it will be moderated by dr. David casarett who is chief of college of care at university of pennsylvania. Im a psychiatrist, and i often think most people including many physicians dont really understand what psychiatry is. Nobody understands what Palliative Care is, and its a wonderful branch of medicine and needs to be better understood. Dr. Casarett launched a book here a year ago that was wonderful. This is his second book hes launching here. No, we do not have royalties on it, but i own two copies of it. So dr. David casarett will come up in a minute. We believe all of you are literate, we print biographies in the program. This is not grand rounds, im not going to sit up here for ten minutes and read every paper that everybody wrote. But dr. Casarett will come up, talk for a while,
Of current thought and issues, medical marijuana. Not Recreational Use of not marijuana but should marijuana and its derivatives be used forb health purposes, a veryes, controversial issue and one in which frequently there are far more heat than light and where we see frequently see people who seem to be immune to data. We have experts tonight to talk about this it will be moderated by dr. David casarett, who is chief of Palliative Care at the university of pennsylvania. Re im a psychiatrist and i often think most people including many physicians dont really understand what psychiatry is. Nobody understands what Palliative Care is. It is a wonderful branch of medicine and needs to be better understood. Dr. Casarett launch ad book a year ago that was wonderful. This is his second book is he launching here. No, we do not have royalties on it but i own two copies of it. So, dr. David casarett will come up in a minute. We believe all of you are literate. We print biographies in the program
Of current thought and issues, medical marijuana. Not Recreational Use of not marijuana but should marijuana and its derivatives be used forb health purposes, a veryes, controversial issue and one in which frequently there are far more heat than light and where we see frequently see people who seem to be immune to data. We have experts tonight to talk about this it will be moderated by dr. David casarett, who is chief of Palliative Care at the university of pennsylvania. Re im a psychiatrist and i often think most people including many physicians dont really understand what psychiatry is. Nobody understands what Palliative Care is. It is a wonderful branch of medicine and needs to be better understood. Dr. Casarett launch ad book a year ago that was wonderful. This is his second book is he launching here. No, we do not have royalties on it but i own two copies of it. So, dr. David casarett will come up in a minute. We believe all of you are literate. We print biographies in the program
She is hotter than a corn dog and just as fried. I am here with joanne nosuchunsky. Keep waiving. He is so rich his chauffeur has a chauffeur and that chauffeur has a fab bra shea egg. He is also author of border war an excellent Christmas Gift for your angry uncle. And he is cooler than a week old corn dog and just as delicious. It is tvs andy levey and again wearing a terrible sweater. And his wit is so sharp he lent it to the chefs at benihana. Journalist and writer, legend pj pj hj orourke. It is an excellent kwanza gift. A block. The lede. Thats the firs story. Happy kwanza. America is a disgrace, he said with a straight face. Irans Supreme Leader is calling out the u. S. For our record on human rights. He would know, after all. After the report on cia tactic is was released ayatollah caw mean knee went on a rant. Even american ppl and i think that is short for people, are faced with cruelty torture report which is misspelled human rights day. And for everybody ferguson. And also