The 1,100 page chargesheet filed by the Govindapura police came five months after software engineer Tejaswini, 28, and her son Vihan, 2.5, were killed on January 10.
Bengaluru Metro Pillar Collapse: The Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Limited has announced Rs 20 lakh as compensation to the family of the mother-son who lost their lives due to the collapse of as iron pillar at a Metro work site in Bengaluru.
On Tuesday afternoon, an under-construction pillar of Bengaluru Metro rail collapsed on a bike on which a couple was travelling with two of their kids. The incident took place at the Nagavara Ring Road in city.
Road safety engineers visited the accident spot this morning to probe what caused the structure, over 40 feet tall and weighing several tonnes, to collapse on the woman and her family riding a scooter.