Metro’s CBO Partnering Strategy Team Shares Its First Draft for Better Community Outreach and Partnerships
By Saybin Roberson, Contributing Writer
Published December 17, 2020
KeAndra Cylear-Dodds, Metro’s Executive Office of Equity and Race (Courtesy photo)
Since last year, Los Angeles Metro has worked to enhance, reconnect and deepen its relationship with Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) with goals of aligning and coordinating Metro’s current partnerships and to create a structure for the future. This past Friday, December 10, 2020, Metro’s CBO hosted a virtual meeting to discuss the strategy and recommendations with community leaders across Los Angeles.
As stated in the draft, “The CBO Strategy establishes clear and consistent parameters for Metro to continue partnering with CBOs, as appropriate, by formalizing partnership structures and developing mutually beneficial, equity-focused relationships that bring real and tangible benefits to the Agency, CBOs, and Los