running the country but president obama will soon have a second job to juggle, a billion dollars reelection bid. mes yo kno, a splintering off out of the white house to go work on his campaign full-time. how did he do in setting himself up for a second term? karl rove is former adviser and deputy chief of staff to president george w. bush, fox news contributor and the man people credit for getting bush reelected in 04. i think he had something to to with it. megyn: president bush did? that s gracious of you! president obama is sending his key team to chicago, axelrod, david phr uf is going to be his man in washington to be his man there, but that s going to be campaign central, hope to go raise a billion dollars. what do you stph-pbg. a billion dollars, let s put this in perspective. between june of 200 and november of 2009, the obama committee raised and spent